Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wired to work

Carter and Kiefer are wired to work!  It's very interesting to see.  When they're outside playing in the yard, they're always coming up with jobs or work they need to do.  They'll build a new road in the mulch pile, hitch up a train to the truck, but yesterday they provided a new service. I overheard Carter saying, "We only offer this service in the fall..." and I had to run and grab my camera.  We have more pine trees in our backyard than poplar so we actually don't get many leaves that fall, therefore, not many leaves to rake, which is fine with us.  But I think the boyz would prefer we had a few more, in fact, they were working to make sure we had a few more.  They got out the step ladders from the garage, connected themselves to the top rungs with bungee cords as their "Harnesses" and they raked leaves OUT of the tree! That's when I heard Carter's sales pitch.  They were offering a leaf falling service!
Not enough leaves on the ground? Speed up fall with our  leaf falling service (note safety harness!) 

"We only offer this service in the fall"

Safe & effective

When you gotta reach those tough to reach places, sometimes the only place to put your ladder is right in the middle of the bush!

Now moving onto the next job

The house needed "painting"

Those Jay Boyz get the job done right!

But when they tired of that, they moved on to "painting" the house with Jim's roller brushes and buckets of water.  At the end of that job, Carter ran to me soaking wet and I was convinced he fell into his bucket, instead he had accidentally dropped the hose and it sprayed him! Occupational hazard.  Good thing it wasn't an OSHA violation!