Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kieferisms - Theology of an almost four year old

Kiefer has been asking some really cute questions and observations that only an almost four year old could say... I wanted to capture some before I forget...

The other night while watching the sunset on our drive home from the lake he asked, "Where does God keep his paintbrush?"  (we usually say, "Look at that beautiful sunset that God painted in the sky tonight!")

He and Carter were having a theological debate in the backseat of the car on the way to church about whether God can see us everywhere we go... ."Yes he can!" Carter said emphatically, "No he can't!" argued Kiefer.  They continued to the point of tears!  I had to step in and agree that the Bible says that God can see us and can see everything...

A few days later, in the middle of the day Kiefer asked, "How can God see us if we can't see him?"  Then after a pause, excited said, "I know how God can see us - he uses a telescope!"

Another time we were driving in the evening (now that the sun sets so much earlier!) we came to a round-about that has red lights to illuminate a decorative cement planter and Kiefer says... "Look! It's the burning bush!"