Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How is it possible?

How is it possible that my baby is already 5 months old?  I can't believe how quickly time is passing!  It seems like just yesterday that we just brought him home from the hospital... that I was just pregnant not that long ago.  But that's the thing about time. It passes whether we pay attention to what time it is or not!  It's a good thing we don't measure all our ages in months... Fletcher's nearly a half-year.  Carter's almost 72 months... I will be 456 months old soon!  That's a lot of months.  Days add up to weeks, weeks, months and months pass all too quickly into years.  The choices we make today matter.  Am I living today to the fullest?  I'm certainly trying!  This blogging tool is just one way I'm trying to harness the moments and capture the memories before they fade away too quickly.  There's so much more I want to do, desire to accomplish with my time... I seem to be doing the same things over and over again: laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, caring for children and their ever changing needs (or needing to be changed! (in more ways than one!))  But my prayer is and should be to do even these repetitive deeds with as much love and grace as possible.  Am I praying more today than I did yesterday? What is the fragrance of my love offering to my children?  And little you... how can it be that you're five months old today? I feel I've just met you... and at the same time that I've known you much longer than just five months.  We've been through a lot together already.  I can't imagine my life without you! How blessed am I to have four new smiles in my life?  What a huge responsibility I've been entrusted with.  This is the most important job I'll ever have. I want to do better than my best.  Love beyond my limits.  To the moon and back.  The only way that's possible is with the grace and gifts given from above.
I just love little baby feet!

And the way a happy baby puts his feet up in the air!  Just hanging out!

He's already a devoted thumb-sucker!  And I love how he's figured out how to smile with the thumb still in!

Soooo sweet!

They don't stay little long... especially my babies!  Such a big guy!!