Fletcher & Daddy-O |
Albiet, we have a fantastic Daddy-O! There isn't a better one out there... BUT each of our kids have said "Dada" as their first words... babbling, cooing and then out comes "Dada". Forget labor pains, forget nearly 7 months of sleepless nights they ask for HIM by name.
That's ok. We'll give it to him for all that he does. But we know we have our own little secret language. Who else knows the difference between your hungry cries, your tired cries your I'm uncomfortable come get me cries. And you save those special smiles just for me... your mama. "Maaaammmmaaaa" We'll have to work on that one.
Fletcher enjoying his cereal |
Isn't real food so much fun? |
Fletcher gets wrapped up in his work... just hanging out on the blanket, I leave the room and come back and he's wrapped himself up like a burrito! |
His 7 month picture... whole series.... |
On the verge of sitting up... he lasts for a second then topples over |
Too cute!! |