Batman - the saga continues...
Today, Wednesday, at Preschool Kiefer was entertaining his teachers telling everyone, including his music teacher that he was going to be Batman when he grows up. His teacher informed me he asked her, "So, don't you want to tell your family?" And she said she did, and that she would text her son... then Kiefer asked her what he said... so she really had to text him and her son replied, "oh." His teacher asked him if he was going to save the world when he was Batman and he said he was going to help God.
Then back at home he was changing out of his school clothes into his Buzz Lightyear costume and he started telling me that he was sad. I inquired as to why and he said, "I'm sad because I"m not going to be able to live here with you forever." I said, "well, you can live here till you're about 20, 22 max, then you're lease is up." He continued, "I'm sad I won't get to live in a house because when I'm Batman I'll have to live in the bat cave."...
Where is he getting all this? He's never even seen Batman!
Someone told Kiefer Batman doesn't exist. (I think it was Carter.) So yesterday, Kiefer said, "Since Batman doesn't exist, when I grow up I want to be a Nascar Driver. See, I even have my keys!" (A white elephant gift of a bunch of unknown keys including one with the number 8 on it decorated like a Nascar.)
Someone told Kiefer Batman doesn't exist. (I think it was Carter.) So yesterday, Kiefer said, "Since Batman doesn't exist, when I grow up I want to be a Nascar Driver. See, I even have my keys!" (A white elephant gift of a bunch of unknown keys including one with the number 8 on it decorated like a Nascar.)