Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Operation We Need a Little Christmas...

Papa and Gigi went on an adventure trip to see the penguins in Antarctica from Thanksgiving through mid-December. And although they were surrounded by snow their whole trip, I had a feeling that they would return home and not really have the energy to put up all their Christmas decorations. Jet lag will do that to you.  We were their transportation to and from the airport so I knew their exact travel schedule. And the Sunday before we were to pick them up at the airport, we snuck over to their house and up into their attic and we put up all their Christmas decorations!  Every year, they buy a live tree and say to each other "That's the best looking tree we've ever had." And usually they buy one for $20 at the grocery store parking lot or wherever. I know they prefer a live tree, so we went to pick one out at Lowes on the way over.  I'm inexperienced at the art of picking out a live tree as we have a fake one and relish the simplicity and low maintenance-ness of pulling the same tree out of the box each year. However, there is nothing quite like the smell of a live tree. That said, I never knew there was such an art in selecting a tree.  Actually, I still can't say that I have mastered this art form as when shopping in freezing temperatures with four boys in tow, actually three out of the car with me and one refusing to step out into the tundra of the parking lot. Then rapidly we were rushing up and down the aisles of trees as the remaining child in the car had ejected himself from his child restraint seat and was in the driver's seat honking the horn to hurry us along. (Bad mommy, leaving child in car, now everyone hears and sees it's your child in the parking lot. UG!) The transaction complete we load the petite tree in the back of our loud vehicle and we're off to commence Operation We Need a Little Christmas. It was not until arrival and unbinding the demure tree that I realized she was left at the tree lot because she has a significant bow to her trunk that causes her to lean to the side no matter how tightly one adjusts her in the Christmas tree stand.  Oh well, it's part of her charm. I named her Alice. Alice the Christmas Tree Angel. We worked feverishly to hang the trappings, the tinsel, the buttons and bows and make sure Papa and Gigi's house really did glows. (ok, there I go regressing to Dr. Seuss speak again. It happens when one reads How the Grinch Stole Christmas on command with too great a frequency.) Nonetheless, their house was soon full of Christmas cheer from the wreath on the front door to the Christmas Moose hanging in the bathroom and the Baaa-hum-bug lamb sign in the kitchen.  We slunk back home and I swore the boyz to secrecy not to tell Papa & Gigi until they walked into their own home and saw with their own eyes.  Carter and Kiefer were at school the morning we picked them up at the airport so I knew they weren't a risk and Griffin and Fletcher were buckled in their carseats in the back but when we pulled into their driveway Fletcher started to say, "Gigi, we…." and I cut him off before he could say anything else until they discovered it themselves.  They were amazed! The first thing TJ said was, "Oh, you found the tree in the backyard?!" I asked, 'Huh? what tree?" Ends up he knew they would sell out of the good trees while they were gone so he had already bought a nice straight one. But no, I didn't notice that at all! The birds enjoyed that one this season and Papa and Gigi said with all sincerity that they "had never had such a beautiful tree!"(As long as you tilt your head sideways, she was!) Trying to teach the kids through actions that Christmas is all about giving… and that it might be giving of your time more than anything that means the most.  Papa & Gigi still talk about that tree… and how much they were dreading having to put up all their decorations as tired as they were.  Operation We Need A Little Christmas was deemed a success! Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Christmas Tree Capers Commencing in Operation We Need a Little Christmas

All the trappings, trimmings, boxes and bows

Don't get caught!

There she glows!

"Ok everybody, now lean!" There now she looks straight!?

"The Nicest Tree Ever"

On Christmas Day… everyone lean… oops, too far! (All the grandkids: F, G, K, C, C, A, J, N)

The Jays

Papa & Gigi standing by the nicest tree they've had!

She's better on tilt

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