Friday, November 15, 2013

What do you do when there's a little peace and quiet?

If there's a rare moment when there's a little peace and quiet, some might think to indulge and treat themselves to a little pampering. A pedicure, perhaps? But to a mom, especially one with four busy boyz, when there's a moment's quiet, I start to worry. There's actually a maternal clock that sounds the alarm when the silence has gone on too long. (Which is usually only about 5 minutes!) This happened the other day.  I was actually enjoying a few moments of quiet and I had actually just sat down on the couch. Just when I started to get comfortable, I thought, "Uh oh, it's too quiet. Where's Fletcher?" At that exact moment I heard crying.   I followed the cries as my heart quickened. He was upstairs. The cries were coming from my bathroom. "Uh oh!" I started thinking of all the sharp objects he could have empaled himself with - fingernail trimmers, razor blade refills...  When I enter the bathroom I see him perched up on my countertop crying and a lot of red all over his foot, his jeans, my towel. Oh no! But as I approach, I realize his cries aren't cries of pain, they're cries of frustration. He's upset. He's trying to tell me something. I look more closely and realize the red isn't blood... it's fingernail polish!  He's crying and saying, "I can't get it off!"  (but it's more like "I caaaannnnn'ttt geeeetttt iiiiittttt  oooooooofffff!!!!")  I start to laugh. And I tell him, "No, you're right, it won't come off. Let me help you."  Then I asked him, "Were you trying to paint your toenails?" "Uh huh" comes his sweet reply. Who could be mad at a sweet face like his? I guess he was trying to give his toes a bit of pampering during his moment of peace and quiet.  That will teach me to leave a new bottle of fingernail polish out on my vanity! First and last time for that! Whew!  He certainly keeps me on my toes!!
Who could be mad at a face like that? :) 

Lovely toes! (Note the red all over the jeans!!) 
He's seen me paint my toes, so why not, right?

He tried to clean up, it just wasn't working!
I later noticed red all over the handle of my faucet.  It just wouldn't wash off! 

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