Thursday, November 28, 2013

An Attitude of Gratitude

We have so much to be thankful for. In our family. In our country. In our lives. But why is it that we tend to get so busy and distracted that we can forget? One of the many lessons we/I am trying to teach our boyz is to have a grateful heart. I often say, when handing out treats, etc. "A grateful heart says... thank you!" and have them say thank you with me. But such a simple concept is not necessarily instinctive or easy.  We try though. It seems some are more naturally predisposed to gratitude than others. Take Fletcher, for example. I can remember being almost in tears one time when he said, "Thank you for changing my diaper, Mommy!" Of course! It's my job! It's also my privilege to be the one to take care of these boyz.

Anyhow, I had seen an idea on a blog I follow that had a print out for leaves to make your own family Thanks Giving Tree.  I picked up a few random sticks from the yard and make a stick bouquet. (Daddy-O wasn't too sure about this one!) but then one night at dinner I had everyone take leaves off the tree, read the Bible verse and then write on the back something they were thankful for.

The kids really got into this! And the leaves in their writing are really something to treasure! How we delight in hearing our children say thank you! It must be a glimpse of how much our Heavenly Father delights in hearing our prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving.  

Thanksgiving is so much more than just a food binging holiday. It's actually become my favorite holiday. Mainly that it's so laid back, at least in our family. You show up, circle up for prayer, say what you're thankful for, eat, then hang out and enjoy each other's company for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Movies and football games are watched, poetry, songs, stories and laughs are shared, games are played, sometimes walks are taken, good food is always consumed -again and again! But it's really just about being together - sometimes with those we only see that time of year!

But I want to keep an attitude of gratitude all the year long. And I know that in order to teach the virtue of thankfulness to my children I need to model it myself.

So our list of leaves was a start! Here's what they came up with:

I'm thankful for...
Zebras (Griffin)
Cars (Griffin)
Balls (Griffin - drew a picture)
My bike (Fletcher)
Some sweet little scribbles (Fletcher)
Books that are good (Carter)
Our family (Mom)
God (Carter)
My singing voice (Carter)
Mom, Dad, Kiefer, Griffin and Fletcher, Alan, Jay, Debbie, Dough, Nana, Papa Dick, Papa & Gigi, Papa Tom & Grammy Pat, Mark & Sarah... (ran out of room) (Carter)
Soft Swords (Fletcher)
Pumpkins (drew a picture, Griffin)
Married to mom! (Daddy0)
Monkeys (Griffin)
Daddy's surgery and recovery, and donor tissue (mom)
Jesus and the Bible and God's love
Grateful to be dad to four awesome boys (daddy-O)
Good family (Carter)

Our Thanks Giving Tree

Pilgrim Griffin made his hat and turkey apple at preschool, so proud!

Taking turns being pilgrims and Indians

A little later, getting in the canoe as Indians - using my duster as their paddle. (I promise they're wearing pajama bottoms, you just can't see them!) :)

Is this kind of like being up a creek without a duster?

We made some kid friendly turkey treats

These got gobbled up!

Post Thanksgiving movie viewing

Aunt Phyllis came down from Chicago to join us for Thanksgiving this year!

Sally and Susie acting out Little Orphan Annie "And the Gobblins Will Get Ya If you Don't Watch Out!"

Balcony seats for poetry reading!

Aunt Susie and Fletcher share a sweet moment as he eats his 8th turkey cookie of the evening. (I think it's the only turkey he consumed that day!)

Sally's a school librarian and storytime with Sally is always a highlight

Friday, November 15, 2013

What do you do when there's a little peace and quiet?

If there's a rare moment when there's a little peace and quiet, some might think to indulge and treat themselves to a little pampering. A pedicure, perhaps? But to a mom, especially one with four busy boyz, when there's a moment's quiet, I start to worry. There's actually a maternal clock that sounds the alarm when the silence has gone on too long. (Which is usually only about 5 minutes!) This happened the other day.  I was actually enjoying a few moments of quiet and I had actually just sat down on the couch. Just when I started to get comfortable, I thought, "Uh oh, it's too quiet. Where's Fletcher?" At that exact moment I heard crying.   I followed the cries as my heart quickened. He was upstairs. The cries were coming from my bathroom. "Uh oh!" I started thinking of all the sharp objects he could have empaled himself with - fingernail trimmers, razor blade refills...  When I enter the bathroom I see him perched up on my countertop crying and a lot of red all over his foot, his jeans, my towel. Oh no! But as I approach, I realize his cries aren't cries of pain, they're cries of frustration. He's upset. He's trying to tell me something. I look more closely and realize the red isn't blood... it's fingernail polish!  He's crying and saying, "I can't get it off!"  (but it's more like "I caaaannnnn'ttt geeeetttt iiiiittttt  oooooooofffff!!!!")  I start to laugh. And I tell him, "No, you're right, it won't come off. Let me help you."  Then I asked him, "Were you trying to paint your toenails?" "Uh huh" comes his sweet reply. Who could be mad at a sweet face like his? I guess he was trying to give his toes a bit of pampering during his moment of peace and quiet.  That will teach me to leave a new bottle of fingernail polish out on my vanity! First and last time for that! Whew!  He certainly keeps me on my toes!!
Who could be mad at a face like that? :) 

Lovely toes! (Note the red all over the jeans!!) 
He's seen me paint my toes, so why not, right?

He tried to clean up, it just wasn't working!
I later noticed red all over the handle of my faucet.  It just wouldn't wash off!