As the old saying goes... when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I've always been an optimist, a half-full kind of gal. Most the time, that is. But for the most part, I'm able to see the silver lining. The rainbow through the storm. In fact, I'm teaching my children, (at least I'm trying!) that you have to choose to look for these bright spots in life. Being that they're still relatively young we talk about "Are you an Eyore or a Tigger" as in, do you choose to be downcast and dreary like Eyore or are you upbeat and bouncy like Tigger. When it's all said and done, it's a choice.
So yes, sometimes, we even need to choose be thankful for the lemons that life gives us. And the one thing in life we can control is how to respond. It's not always what you're given, but what do you do with it that counts. So add a little sugar, a little water, maybe a bit more sugar, stir... and enjoy!
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