It's been one of the wettest springs in history! With more than 8" of rainfall in the month of April! That said, it's been a very lush, long spring with tree blossoms lasting longer and spring peaking later than usual. The wet weather also means that a mom has choices to make: Does she deny her family of food so she doesn't get wet grocery shopping in the rain? Does she break down and buy mini umbrellas to help shelter her young from the storm? Well, in this case - no and yes. We went ahead and went grocery shopping in the rain and while there, I bought them umbrellas. For about an hour it was the best $6 I'd ever spent. Then, being boyz, they did what they do best and the umbrellas broke. Oh well, it brought some joy to some little hearts for a little while. Mine, too.
Here's a glimpse:
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