The fix it shop has been quite busy lately mending broken ornaments and the like. Yesterday I nearly superglued my fingers together fixing the slew of broken items. I think it's a causality of Christmas. We can't hang all these pretty, shiny, miniature toy-like things at eye level and not expect a few causalities. But the one that got me the other day was when Carter came to me with the kid-friendly Joseph in his hand and sheepishly confessed, "Mom, I broke this." I sang out with my forgiving, "Oh, that's ok. We can fix it." but then I inquired, "How did you break it?" Looooonnnng pause... "I hammered on it." "HAMMERED on it!?!" "go to your room!" Which is where I send him when I need a time out. Hammered on it? I've long since hidden or disposed of all the toy hammers after we have hammer marks on the wall and a few pieces of furniture. But just like all boys will make guns out of sticks or wrapping paper tubes or even their hands if left alone too long so too, they seem to make hammers out of nothingness. This one was cleverly crafted from wooden nuts and bolts from a toy workbench set. Just one more thing I need to hide. Joseph is now repaired and accompanying Mary in the cardboard manger where he now has a superglue scar across his forehead. I had to remind Carter and myself that I love him more than things and that I appreciate his honesty but that he needs to learn to take care of our things. We'll see what gets broken today. 6 More days till Christmas. Is it too soon to take down the tree Christmas day? :)
Joseph and the technicolored hammer -oops, wrong Joseph! :) |
The fix it shop |